【第1句】:好戏在后头。The best is yet to come.
【第2句】:什么都会,样样不精。Jack of all trades and master of none.
【第3句】:真正的爱情是给而不是取。True love is giving not taking.
【第4句】:最大的恨产生于最大的爱。The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.
【第5句】:食欲不长耳。Appetite has no ears.
【第6句】:人之幸福,自己创造。Man creates his own happiness.
【第7句】:人人有其缺点。Every man has his faults.
【第8句】:调换一下工作是很好的休息。A change of work is as good as a rest.
【第9句】:生活好者,博学多才。He that lives well is learned.
【第10句】:傻子总爱装聪明。Every fool pretends to be wise.
【第11句】:水滴石穿。Constant dropping wears away a stone.
【第12句】:人人都侍候,个个不见好。All hands make jack a dull boy.
【第13句】:骨肉越亲,恩情越深。The closer the kindred, the deeper the kindness.
【第14句】:小人得意,忘乎所以。He that is proud is proud.
【第15句】:暴力绝不能摧毁正义。Violence can never destroy justice.
【第16句】:深知底蕴,不以为怪。I am not surprised to know the details.
【第17句】:浅学寡识是件危险的事。A little learning is a dangerous thing.
【第18句】:神机妙算,常常失算。A good plan often fails.
【第19句】:求财而供神者必倍求而敬鬼。He that serves god for money will worship the devil for more.
【第20句】:想不犯错误,就一事无成。He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.
【第21句】:乡有乡俗。Every country has its customs.
【第22句】:求学的三个基本原则是∶多观察、多吃苦、多钻研。The three foundations of learning: seeing much, suffering much, and studying much.
【第23句】:真理不变。Truth will not change.
【第24句】:光荣是美德的影子。Glory is the shadow of virtue.
【第25句】:慢工出细活。Slow work makes slow work.
【第26句】:决心赶到目的地,浪汉何惧雨来淋。A surfer who is determined to reach his destination will not fear the rain.
【第27句】:爱情就是爱的报答。Love is the reward of love.
【第28句】:贼胆心虚。A thief's heart is weak.
【第29句】:常用的钥匙总是光亮的。The used key is always bright.
【第30句】:物以类聚,世间皆如此。Birds of a feather flock together.
【第31句】:赌博使我们丢失时间和金钱,这两样人生最珍贵的东西。Gambling costs us both time and money, the two most precious things in life.
【第32句】:年轻人可能会死,老年人难免不亡。Young men may die, old men must die.
【第33句】:一言说出,难以收回。A word spoken cannot be recalled.
【第34句】:猴子爬得越高,尾巴越加暴露。The higher the monkey climbs, the more his tail is exposed.
【第35句】:智力胜于财富。Intelligence is better than wealth.
【第36句】:草多可缚象。Many straws may bind an elephant.
【第37句】:美中有不足。There is a fly in the ointment.
【第38句】:周游世界须有猪嘴巴,鹿的腿,鹰的双眼,驴的耳,骆驼To travel around the world one must have the mouth of a pig, the legs of a deer, the eyes of an eagle, the ears of a donkey, and the ears of a camel
【第39句】:自立更生,自食其力。Stand on your own two feet.
【第40句】:懒惰使脑子生锈。Idleness is the rust of the brain.
【第41句】:真理是打不倒的。Truth cannot be defeated.
【第42句】:三思而行,再思可也。Think twice before you act.
【第43句】:给儿子娶亲,想在什么时候皆可;把女儿嫁人要在有力量时才行。Marry your son when you will; Marry your daughter when you have power.
【第44句】:劳动者该得食,不劳者该挨饿。Workers deserve to eat, and those who do not work deserve to starve.
【第45句】:头炮打响,等于半个胜仗。The first blow is half the battle.
【第46句】:水火无情。Fire and water have no mercy.
【第47句】:撒谎比偷窃更可恶。Lying is worse than stealing.
【第48句】:失友都因借钱起。Lend a friend money and you lose him.
【第49句】:生命的价值是用思想和行为来衡量的,而不是寿命的长短。Life is measured by thought and action, not by time.
【第50句】:美德远比美丽更美好。Virtue is fairer far than beauty.
【第51句】:聪明的人有足够的才智处理自己的事情。A wise man is wise enough to handle his own business.
【第52句】:若要求知识,必须刻苦学习。If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.
【第53句】:本末倒置。Put the cart before the horse.
【第54句】:要化敌为友。Make your enemy your friend.
【第55句】:魔鬼高兴,也发善心。The devil is good when he is pleased.
【第56句】:天才不过是勤奋而已。Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.
【第57句】:猫也有权晋见国王。A cat may look at a king.
【第58句】:朋比为奸。Make friends.
【第59句】:节约是个好收入。Economy is good revenue.
【第60句】:说谎是上断头台的第一步。Lying is the first step to the gallows.
【第61句】:交友慢,失友快。A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.
【第62句】:农民是文化和繁荣的奠基者。The peasants were the founders of culture and prosperity.
【第63句】:最高的艺术就是不露艺术。The highest art is to conceal art.
【第64句】:找出病根等于治愈了一半。To know the disease is half the cure.
【第65句】:各人管各人自己。Every man is his own man.
【第66句】:经验无止境。There is no end to experience.
【第67句】:水中可见自己的脸,酒中可见别人的心。In water you may see your own face, in wine the heart of another.
【第68句】:水滴石穿,绳锯木断。Constant dropping wears away a stone.
【第69句】:朋友是时间的窃贼。Friends are thieves of time.
【第70句】:猫都爱吃鱼,却怕爪弄湿。All cats love fish but fear to wet their PAWS.
【第71句】:珍惜时间,时间才会珍惜你。Cherish time, time will cherish you.
【第72句】:走到东,走到西,最好还是到家里。East or west, home is best.
【第73句】:时间能够治好(感情上的)创伤。Time heals wounds.
【第74句】:谨慎和勤奋,带来好运气。Care and diligence bring luck.
【第75句】:不可缘木求鱼。Don't cry for fish.
【第76句】:健全的精神寓于健康的身体。A sound mind in a sound body.
【第77句】:不能过河拆桥。You cannot burn your Bridges.
【第78句】:幸运出自勤奋。Diligence is the mother of good fortune.
【第79句】:心怀不端的人是可耻的。It is a shame to have a wicked heart.
【第80句】:聪明人知道自己不懂什么,蠢人则以为自己什么都懂。The wise man knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows it all.
【第81句】:勇敢和决心是美德的灵魂。Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue.
【第82句】:饥寒起盗心。Hunger and cold make the heart grow fonder.
【第83句】:丧失好名誉,犹如活死人。A good name lost is a living death.
【第84句】:朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过。A friend exaggerates a man's virtue, an enemy his crimes.
【第85句】:整个世界是个舞台,男男女女,演员而已。All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.
【第86句】:读书养神,锻链健身。Reading nourishes the mind, exercise the body.
【第87句】:爱邻如爱己。Love thy neighbour as thyself.
【第88句】:日子越美好,事业越顺当。The better the day, the better the career.
【第89句】:仆从目中无英雄。No man is a hero to his valet.
【第90句】:男子早婚,种下祸根。Men marry young, that sow the seeds of misfortune.
【第91句】:心之所见远胜于目。The heart sees more than the head.
【第92句】:一次痛苦的经验抵得上千百次的告诫。One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning.
【第93句】:傲慢和温雅决不会共处在一起。Pride and grace never dwell together.
【第94句】:入夜方能赞美白昼。The night can praise the day.
【第95句】:避诱惑,免罪恶。Avoid temptation and sin.
【第96句】:懒惰会磨去才智的锋芒。Sloth turneth the edge of wit.
【第97句】:一木不能成林。One tree does not make a forest.
【第98句】:笨蛋难聚财。A fool and his money are soon parted.
【第99句】:诚实是上策。Honesty is the best policy.