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【第1句】:适可而止,过犹不及。Enough is as good as too much.

【第2句】:凡事总是由难而易。All things are difficult before they are easy.

【第3句】:孤身独处的人可以为圣哲,也可为恶魔。A man alone is either a saint or a devil.

【第4句】:没有什么财富像知识那样保险,因为它偷不去,抢不走。There is no wealth so sure as knowledge, for it cannot be stolen or taken away.

【第5句】:成功无秘诀,只是努力干。There is no secret to success but hard work.

【第6句】:困兽犹斗。A sleepy beast will turn.

【第7句】:一滴之毒,毒染整桶之酒。One drop of poison infects the whole cask of wine.

【第8句】:真理是时间的女儿。Truth is the daughter of time.

【第9句】:以牙还牙。Tit for tat.

【第10句】:无人总是当傻瓜,人人有时当傻瓜。No man is a fool all the time.

【第11句】:自己选的担子不嫌重。A burden of one's choice is not felt.

【第12句】:别人身上你不喜欢的东西,自己身上的也要注意改正。What you dislike in another, take care to correct in yourself.

【第13句】:一天一苹果,不用请医生。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

【第14句】:真正的愉快之根本在于良心。The foundation of true happiness is in the conscience.

【第15句】:欲得女儿欢,先遂其母意。He that would have a daughter, must first satisfy his mother.

【第16句】:我们最大幸福并不是杀害别人,而是为别人而牺牲自己。Our greatest happiness is not in killing others, but in sacrificing ourselves for others.

【第17句】:与智者行即得其智。A wise man is known by his actions.

【第18句】:危险本身就是对付危险的最好办法。Danger itself is the best remedy for danger.

【第19句】:不声不响的猪吃光全部的饲料。The quiet pig eats up all the feed.

【第20句】:游手好闲是万恶之源。Idleness is the root of all evil.

【第21句】:人人都管,大家不管。Everybody's business is nobody's business.

【第22句】:诗人是世上没有得到承认的立法者。Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.

【第23句】:无可挽回。泼水难收?There is no turning back. You can't wash your hands.

【第24句】:青年人向前看,老年人向后看。Young men look forward, old men backward.

【第25句】:不进则退。Not to advance is to go back.

【第26句】:失败者总是错的。Losers are always wrong.

【第27句】:来道是非者,便是是非人。Who chatters to others will chatter of others.

【第28句】:新爱逐旧欢。One love drives out another.

【第29句】:口若悬河不能作为才智的证明。A flow of words is no proof of wisdom.

【第30句】:多言吃苦,缄默少祸。Many words suffer, but silence seldom.

【第31句】:要成仇敌,多讲;要成朋友,多听。To become an enemy, speak more; To make friends, listen.

【第32句】:说鬼鬼到。Talk about ghosts.

【第33句】:爱爱相生。Make love goes with each other.

【第34句】:小事聪明,大事糊涂。Penny wise and pound foolish.

【第35句】:母亲的心肠是孩子的课堂。A mother's heart is a child's classroom.

【第36句】:教师尽力帮助学生独立工作是给学生最大的帮助。It is of the utmost help to the students that the teacher tries his best to help them work independently.

【第37句】:愿望不等于事实。Wishes do not equal facts.

【第38句】:知音难觅。A bosom friend is hard to find.

【第39句】:仁爱须由近及远。Charity must go from near to far.

【第40句】:有钱能讲话。Money talks.

【第41句】:智者思其所言,愚者言其所思。Wise men think what they say, fools what they think.

【第42句】:跌倒容易爬起难。It is easier to fall than to rise.

【第43句】:睡眠是良药,专治醒时愁。Sleep is the best remedy for waking troubles.

【第44句】:能节俭时就节俭,朝阳难照一整天。Save while you may, no morning sun lasts a whole day.

【第45句】:勿谋之过早(意指:不要过于乐观)。Don't jump the gun.

【第46句】:孤掌难鸣。You can't fight with one hand.

【第47句】:浪费时间是一切花费中最奢侈豪华的费用。Waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses.

【第48句】:一事成功,事事顺利。Nothing succeeds like success.

【第49句】:人好说大话,并非实干家。A man of words is not a man of action.

【第50句】:己所不欲,勿施于人。Do as you would be done by.

【第51句】:匆忙的爱情冷得快。Hasty love is soon cold.

【第52句】:向乞丐乞讨,永远发不了财。Beg from beggars and you'll never be rich.

【第53句】:宁为驴头,不为马尾。Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse.

【第54句】:精诚所至,金石为开。Sincerity smooth the way to success.

【第55句】:群群羊中有黑羊。There is a black sheep in the flock.

【第56句】:想象是创作之源。Imagination is the source of creation.

【第57句】:智者嘴在心里,蠢人心在嘴上。Wise men have their mouths in their hearts, fools their hearts in their mouths.

【第58句】:要做事,但不要做事务的奴隶。Do business, but be not a slave to it.


【第60句】:宁可饿肚子,切莫去借债。Better go hungry than in debt.

【第61句】:合法得来一个钱,胜过非法钱一千。One penny with right is better than a thousand without right.

【第62句】:希望迟迟未实现,使人心烦意撩乱。The delay in realizing a hope is upsetting.

【第63句】:广交友,无深交。Many friends make but few acquaintances.

【第64句】:熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。Familiar paths and old friends are the best.

【第65句】:我成功是因为有决心,从不犹豫。I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated.

【第66句】:年轻意味着无限希望。Youth means limitless possibilities.

【第67句】:狐狸到老也不会变好。A fox may grow grey, but never good.

【第68句】:观察为良师。Observation is the best teacher.

【第69句】:寡言者智。A still tongue makes a wise head.

【第70句】:承认错误,等于改正一半。A fault confessed is half redressed.

【第71句】:读书使人充实,交谈使人精明。By reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we polish it.

【第72句】:鸿运来时,百事顺遂。Fortune knocks once at least at every man's door.

【第73句】:说得天花乱坠,成事微乎其微。Well said, little done.

【第74句】:童子吐真言。Boys tell the truth.

【第75句】:舌头虽只三寸长,但能杀害六尺汉。The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high.

【第76句】:懒汉多吃苦。An idle man takes much pain.

【第77句】:万物逢时皆美好。Everything is good in its season.

【第78句】:教学相长。Teaching teaches.

【第79句】:说得容易,做得难。Easier said than done.

【第80句】:秋波送盲,白费痴情。Eyes blind, in vain.

【第81句】:在罪恶中游泳的人,必将在悲哀中沈没。He who swims in sin will sink in sorrow.

【第82句】:同类不相残。Dog does not eat dog.

【第83句】:智者皆能视苦为乐。Pain is pleasure to all the wise.

【第84句】:眼睛能看见一切的东西,但看不见自己。The eye that sees all things else sees not itself.

【第85句】:维护和平最有效的办法之一是备战。One of the most effective ways to preserve peace is to be prepared for war.

【第86句】:呆人有呆福。Fools have fortune.

【第87句】:公事公办。Business is business.

【第88句】:只有知识而无实践,只能造就半瓢水的艺术家。"Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist.

【第89句】:不合理的事不会持久。What is unreasonable will not last.

【第90句】:事难两全其美。You can't have your cake and eat it.

【第91句】:兵贵神速。Speed is the soul of war.

【第92句】:人生必须永远前进,才不愧为有理智的人。Life, to be worthy of a rational being, must be always in progression.

【第93句】:欲图逸,得先劳。He that would flee must toil first.

【第94句】:空言不能成交易。Bare words, no bargain.

【第95句】:真诚--深刻真挚发自内心的真诚,是真正高尚的人性的一种品质。Sincerity -- deep, sincere, heartfelt sincerity -- is a quality of truly noble human nature.

【第96句】:善言是世上的音乐。Kind words are the music of the world.

【第97句】:我不仅要使自己有才智,而且也要使别人有才智。I must not only make myself intelligent, but also make others intelligent.

【第98句】:不做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门。A clear conscience is a sure card.

【第99句】:安分守己。Play the game.


