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<92>好书开卷引人入胜,闭卷使人得益。That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.<28>人定胜天。Man can conquer nature.<58>顺境显邪恶,逆境见善性。Prosperity proves evil, adversity proves good.<54>粗心比无知更为有害。Carelessness is more harmful than ignorance.<36>心无二用。The heart can do no two things.<30>好酒无需叫卖。Good wine needs no cry.<89>有经验而无学问,胜于有学问而无经验。Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.<53>落井下石。When a man is down, he will throw stones at him.<82>教育之于心灵,犹如雕刻之于大理石。What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.<73>不正当得来的便士会使正当得来的英镑受到污浊。A misearned penny taints a rightfully earned pound.<86>别人身上你不喜欢的东西,自己身上的也要注意改正。What you dislike in another, take care to correct in yourself.<54>什么都能做,什么都不行。Anything can be done, nothing can be done.<78>无功得名是常事,无过失名也是常事。Reputation is often got without merit and lost without fault.<66>我不能既是你的朋友,而又对你阿谀奉承。I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too.<37>结果好,就一切都好。All is well that ends well.<48>篱笆有眼,隔墙有耳。Hedges have eyes, and walls have ears.<69>能节俭时就节俭,朝阳难照一整天。Save while you may, no morning sun lasts a whole day.<32>咒骂无益,于事无济。It is no use swearing.<51>说谎是上断头台的第一步。Lying is the first step to the gallows.<59>不要尽言所知,而要尽知所言。Don't say all you know, but know all you say.<93>金钱会上门,不会留下来,因为是圆的,所以会滚开。Money will come, not stay, because it is round, so it will roll away.<70>爱你的左邻右舍,但不要拆去你们之间的藩篱。Love your neighbor, yet pull not down your hedge.<55>工作成败要看结果。The success of the work depends on the result.<37>经验是良师。Experience is the best teacher.<92>完全虚度的日子是你一次也没有笑过的日子。The most utterly lost days are those in which you have not once laughed.<59>顺境交朋友,逆境试真情。Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.<38>与恶人交往,须特别提防。Beware of evil companions.<50>美德大多只是良好的习惯。Virtue consists mostly in good habits.<55>切莫自寻麻烦。Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.<92>人有两只耳朵一张嘴,就是为了多听少说话。A man has two ears and one mouth that he may hear much and speak little.<45>不能以衣着取人。You can't judge a man by his clothes.<67>悲喜互继,哀乐相续。Joys and sorrows continue, and joys and sorrows continue.<110>我们最大的光荣并不在于永不跌倒,而在于每次跌倒后能起来。Our greatest glory consists not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.<47>夜郎自大。Every cock is valiant on his own dunghill.<27>和气生财。Harmony breeds wealth.<73>下定决心成功的人是成功了一半。He is half successful who has made up his mind to succeed.<53>山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.<44>搬弄是非者,恶劣甚于贼。A tattler is worse than a thief.<50>只要忠告中肯,谁提都行。Whoever gives good advice may give it.<50>既往不昝。Telling a sundial is not telling in the past.<64>少说失意事,莫夸好运道。Speak little of ill luck and boast not of good luck.<26>不要丢三落四。Don't be forgetful.<45>不要揽事过多。Don't have too many irons in the fire.<20>有劳得奖。Take the prize.<46>善始好,善终更好。A good beginning makes a good ending.<49>不犯错误,成不了事。He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.<80>人急造反,狗急跳墙。(事急老妪跑。)A cat may jump at a straw. It's urgent that the old woman run.<26>交朋友,费时间。Friends cost time.<33>血比水浓。Blood is thicker than water.<37>事实是不容改变的东西。Facts are stubborn things.<31>引狼入室。Let the Wolf into the den.<56>音乐有抚凶暴心灵的魅力。Music has the power to soothe a savage soul.<32>失败者总是错的。Losers are always wrong.<40>长寿的人多忧患。He that lives long suffers much.<42>贫富不相知。Rich and poor never know each other.<36>爱爱相生。Make love goes with each other.<83>水中可见自己的脸,酒中可见别人的心。In water you may see your own face, in wine the heart of another.<173>周游世界须有猪嘴巴,鹿的腿,鹰的双眼,驴的耳,骆驼To travel around the world one must have the mouth of a pig, the legs of a deer, the eyes of an eagle, the ears of a donkey, and the ears of a camel<43>心花怒放,笑逐颜开。A merry heart makes a merry face.<36>智者千虑,必有一失。Even Homer sometimes nods.<32>人人有其缺点。Every man has his faults.<34>恩将仇报。Bite the hand that feeds one.<70>我们应在人降生时流泪,而不该在人死亡时哭泣。We should weep at man's birth, not at his death.<67>吃是使自己受用,穿是使别人受用。Eat to please yourself, but dress to please others.<35>习惯成自然。Custom makes all things easy.<34>只有真理才是真美。Truth alone is beautiful.<58>每个人都是他自己的命运的主宰。Every man is the master of his own fortune.<39>滴水穿石。Constant dropping wears the stone.<59>礼貌不费分文而可赢得一切。Politeness costs nothing and gains everything.<125>聪明人循理智办事,平常人照经验办事,蠢人按需要办事,畜生凭本能办事。Wise men act by reason; ordinary men by experience; fools by necessity; brutes by instinct.<115>(DarleneLemos)爱情就像一条安详而深沉河流;爱情就像一个没有人能保守的秘密。Love is like a calm, deep river; Love is like a secret no one can keep.<51>自满的人是很空虚的。He that is full of himself is very empty.<47>窝赃者和贼同罪。The receiver is as guilty as the thief.<35>说干就干,机不可失。No time like the present.<22>海底捞月。Cry for the moon.<33>各人管各人自己。Every man is his own man.<30>老蜂不酿蜜。Old bees yield no honey.<28>虎父生犬子。Like father, like son.<61>天下无难事,只怕不努力。Nothing is difficult to the man who will not try.<77>晚霞红如火,晓色青如灰,定是晴朗天。An evening red and a morning grey, is a sign of a fair day.<64>提出忠告易,照着办事难。It is easier to give good counsel than to follow it.<28>坏事传千里。Ill news travels fast.<60>马未偷走前,厩门先锁上。Lock the stable door before the steed is stolen.<59>人生是一场从生到死的战斗。Life is a battle from the cradle to the grave.<40>春风化雨。The spring breeze changes the rain.<68>怒火中烧瞎心眼,真理在前看不见(青树林文案馆网)。Anger blinds the mind and truth fails to see.<46>方法可教会你赢得时间。Method will teach you to gain time.<73>只要有耐心,总会走好运。Fortune often rewards with interest those that have patience.<48>承认错误,等于改正一半。A fault confessed is half redressed.<41>爱情是不能买卖的。Love is neither bought nor sold.<62>无可挽回。泼水难收?There is no turning back. You can't wash your hands.<35>老犬不空吠。An old dog barks not in vain.<40>不入虎穴,焉得虎子。Nothing venture, nothing have.<27>三思而后行。Look before you leap.<37>口不应心。The mouth answers not the heart.<56>宁可没有金钱,不可没有朋友。Better without money than without friends.<45>言柔弱无能,行刚强有力。Speech is weak, action is strong.<28>宁早勿迟。Better early than late.<73>同室不操戈。No man is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

