chancellor's associates scholarship: the preuss school ucsd, lincoln high school, gompers prepatory academy
awarded to: the class of 2023 graduates of the preuss school ucsd, gompers preparatory academy, and lincoln high school (ucsd create partnership high schools) who have been admitted to ucsd as entering freshmen, meet the uc's blue and gold opportunity program (ca residents with total family income of $80,000 or less, with financial need).
award: a 4-year award up to $40,000, paid at up to $10,000 per year.
:加州大学圣地亚哥分校 preuss 预科学校、lincoln高中(创意伙伴高中)、gompers预备学校
奖学金对象:2023年从加州大学圣地亚哥分校 preuss 预科学校、gompers预备学校和lincoln高中毕业的已经被加州大学圣地亚哥分校录取的学生。需要参加加州大学的蓝色与金色机会项目(加州居民、家庭总收入不超过80,000 美元、有经济需求)。
金额:40,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过10,000 美元。
chancellor's associates scholarship: registered members of federally recognized tribes
awarded to: entering freshman students from san diego & imperial counties who are registered (enrolled) members of federally recognized tribes, admitted to ucsd, meet the uc's blue and gold opportunity program (ca residents with total family income of $80,000, with financial need).
award: a 4-year award up to $40,000, paid at up to $10,000 per year.
校长协会奖学金:得到州认可的部落的注册成员奖学金对象:来自圣地亚哥县或因皮里尔县的新生。需要为得到州认可的部落的注册成员,被加州大学圣地亚哥分校录取,需要参加加州大学的蓝色与金色机会项目(加州居民、家庭总收入不超过80,000 美元、有经济需求)。
金额:40,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过10,000 美元。
chancellor's associates scholarship: reality changers
awarded to: the class of 2023 who are members of reality changers, who participated in ucsd academic connections, who have been admitted to ucsd as freshmen, meet the uc's blue and gold opportunity program (ca residents with total family income of $80,000 or less, with financial need).
award: a 4-year award up to $40,000, paid at up to $10,000 per year.
奖学金对象:新生。需要为现实改变者的成员、参加加州大学圣地亚哥分校学术联络、被加州大学圣地亚哥分校录取。需要参加加州大学的蓝色与金色机会项目(加州居民、家庭总收入不超过80,000 美元、有经济需求)。
金额:40,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过10,000 美元。
create undergraduate scholarship
awarded to: entering freshmen who've graduated from a san diego high school participating in the ucsd create program.
award: a 1-year award up to $500.
hispanic scholarship council scholarship
awarded to: entering students based on demonstrated academic merit and financial need, with a preference for first-generation college students.
award: a 4-year award up to $20,000, paid at up to $5,000 per year.
金额:20,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过5,000 美元。
charmaine and maurice kaplan scholarship
awarded to: entering students based on academic merit, demonstrated financial need, and involvement in extracurricular activities.
award: varies up to $5,000 per year.
金额:8,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过2,000 英镑。该奖学金每年可以更新,前提是学生继续注册加州大学圣地亚哥分校全日制本科,并保持良好的学术成绩。
gerald and inez grant parker foundation scholarship
awarded to: an outstanding ucsd entering freshman from a san diego or imperial county high school who has made valuable contributions through community service.
award: a 4-year award up to $3,000.
金额:不固定,每年不超过5,000 美元。
kelly j. kolozsi memorial scholarship
awarded to students in the following priority:
graduates of menlo atherton high school
graduates of a high school in the sequoia union high school district
award: varies.
金额:4,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过1,000 美元。
george parker memorial scholarship
awarded to: entering freshmen with financial need who were orphaned for at least 3 years prior to the age of 18, and/or to students who were raised in foster care for at least 3 years immediately prior to the age of 18.
award: a 4-year award up to $8,000, paid at up to $2,000 per year. the scholarship is renewable each year, provided students continue full-time undergraduate enrollment at ucsd and remain in good academic standing.
other: you must show evidence of financial need and evidence of orphan or foster care status.
金额:8,000美元,期限为四年,每年颁发不超过2,000 美元。
allene huanani wong scholarship
awarded to: an entering freshman from hawaii, with a preference for students majoring in science, mathematics, or engineering.
award: a 4-year award up to $40,000, paid at up to $10,000 per year.
allene huanani wong 奖学金
mary s. and joseph w. watson scholarship
awarded to: entering freshmen with financial need, from san diego or imperial county, with preference given to students who:
received their k-12 education in san diego or imperial county
are first-generation college students
are not receiving other privately funded ucsd scholarships
are majoring in physical sciences or arts and humanities
award: a 4-year award up to $8,000, paid at up to $2,000 per year.