book review英[buk riˈvju:]美[bʊk rɪˈvju]n.书评网络图书评论读后感,也叫读书笔记,是一种常用的应用文体,一般属于议论文的范畴。
Book review, also known as study notes, is a common application style, are generally argumentative category
心灵感悟spiritual awareness \\\/ cognition \\\/ gnosis \\\/ prescience
这是一遍对之后的读后感 The Scarlet Letterthe story happened in the New England which was possessed and influenced by the puritan society and puritan culture. Hester Prynne and Minister Dimmesdule fell in love with each other and had a girl baby, which was not allowed in the puritan society because Hester was a wife of another man whom she had no feeling for. Hester was punished for the crime by wearing a scarlet letter A on her chest. And nobody in the town was willing to be nice with her. So she lived in the pain and suffering lonely with her baby calld Pearl. The partner in the crime, Minister Dimmesdale felt shame, pain within his heart. He punished himself for the crime which was a secret for the town people, at the same time, he suffered from the torture of Roger Chilligworth who was the former husband of Hester. The novel is a tragedy. At last, the MInister died of great suffering, and Roger died of hatred. Hester lived in loneliness, enjoying no happiness with the person she loved.The scarlet letter is the clue of the novel. At first,it represents shame as the punishment for the crime Hester commits. Then it stands for the goodness and kindness for Hester does a lot of good deeds. At last, it represents Hester"s great strength and bravery. The characters in the novel are all unlucky.Hester is unlucky. She is beautiful passionate bold and strong, but she can"t get happiness like other women. If God lets her meet Minister Dimmesdale who was not a minister but an ordinary person before Roger, she would become the most happy woman in the world. But there is no if. Roger is unlucky. At first, he is a happy man, having a young beautiful wife, working on what he is most interested in and receiving people"s respect. But when he knows his wife"s betrayal, his life is ruined. He lets hatred full of his heart and his life. He tortures his enemy as well as himself. In the world, there is no more happiness than a ruined life filled with hared and revenge. Minister is unlucky. He belived in the God, but his belief prevents him from getting peace after commiting a crime. He suffers not only the pain of the secret but also the spiritial torture of Roger. what a pity.From the novel, we can get more. Firstly, your marriage must be based on the ture love. If you marry a person without any feeling, then you could no longer get happiness, or even the marriage becomes a tragedy for you. Secondly, no matter what you meet in your life, do not let hatred full of your heart. You should hold the positive attitude towards your life.If you decide to hurt others, the God will abandon you and the evil could control you. Thirdly, be a strong, bold person just like Hester. You should have and be qualified to take courage to pursue love and happiness, and to admit the mistakes you have made, and to bear the punishments.
Joy 欢乐、高兴 Cheerful愉快的、欢悦的 Glad 乐意的、欢喜的 Willing愿意的、乐于的 Pleasure愉快、满足 Satisfied满意的、满足的 Elated兴高采烈的 Delight欣喜的、快乐 Thrill兴奋的、快乐的 lost 失落drowsy 心情低下wreainess劳累boring乏味tired疲惫colourful炫彩的excellent精彩绝伦的busy忙碌的 dull枯燥的puzzled感到困惑的worried担心funny有趣的intrested有意思的excitingsadunhappygrief 伤心angry 生气bother 烦恼afraid 担心thrill 兴奋fear 害怕....
new year"s"thoughts在我一天天的盼望中,新年终于到了,人 们顿时忙碌起来。
卖烟花爆竹的小摊子也出来 做生意了,大街小巷一片沸腾的景象。
这天晚上,时不时会有几户人家把烟花点 燃,放上天去;有时还有几个调皮的小孩也来 凑热闹,手里面拿着“甩炮”,往地上扔去, 害得大地疼得毕毕剥剥地叫着。
各家各户把灯 打开,有的人家在看电视;有的人家在吃团圆 饭;还有的人家在家里开家庭演唱会。
天上是 五颜六色的火花结成彩,地上是万万千千的灯 火一片红。
我和几个老同学也在一起说说笑话,讲讲 故事,我的心中顿时想起了一首诗: 爆竹声中一岁除, 春风送暖入屠苏。
千门万户瞳瞳日, 总把新桃换旧符。
是啊,在热闹的爆竹声中,送走了难忘的 旧岁;多少温暖的春风,给满面笑容的人们送 来了新年。
我们又长了一岁,家家户户敞开了 门窗,让大年初一明亮的阳光照进屋里. 在这爆竹声中,何尝不会夹杂着喧天的锣 鼓、欢快的器乐,何尝不会洋溢着爽朗的笑声 呢
我又大了一岁,我应该更加懂事,妈妈和 爸爸在我身上下了那么多功夫,我要好好读 书,长大后为祖国争光,为祖国出力。
十年树 木,百年树人。
be reckless of gnosis respect teachersO(∩_∩)O