
玩具总动员3 剧本讲解

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玩具总动员3 剧本讲解

  《玩具总动员3 》Toy story 3 讲解2


  Bart: Well,that went well.

  Dinosaur: He held me! He actually held me!

  Dr. Port: This is just sad.

  Eye-bulls: Who we kiddin'? The kid's 17 years old.

  Slink:We ain't ever gettin' played with.

  Woody: Guys,hey,hold up. We need a staff meeting. Everyone! A staff meeting!

  Dr.Port: Not again.

  Woody: Come on. Slink, gather everyone up.

  Slink: We are gathered, woody.

  Woody:Okay. First of all,we all know operation playtime was a long shot.

  Bart: More like a misfire.

  Woody:But we've always said this job isn't about getting played with. It's about…

  Jessis: Being there for Andy. We know.

  Dinosaur: But we can try again! Right?

  Woody:I'm calling it,guys. We're closing up shop.

  All: What?

  Woody:Andy's going to college any day now. That was our last shot.

  Bart: we're going into attic mode, folks.

  Buzz: keep your accessories with you at all times. Spare parts, batteries,anything you need for an orderly transition.

  Bart: Orderly? Don't you get it? We're done! Finished! Over the hill!

  Woody: Hey,hey,hey,now. Come on,guys. We all knew this day was coming.

  Sarge: Yeah, but now it's here.

  Woody:Look,every toy goes through this. No one wants to see…

  Buzz: Hey,Sarge! What are you doing?

  Sarge: War's over,folks. Me and the boys are moving on.

  Woody: Moving on?

  Buzz: You're going A WoL?

  Sarge: We done our duty. Andy's grown up. And let's face it, when the trash bags come out. We army guys are the first to go.

  Woody: Trash bag? Who said anything about trash bags?

  Sarge: It has been an honor serving with you. Good luck,folks. You're gonna need it.

  Woody: No,no,no. Wait,wait,wait,wait!

  Dinosaur:We're getting thrown away?

  Woody: No. No one's getting away.

  Dinosaur: How do you know?

  Jessie:We're being abandoned!

  Buzz: We'll be fine, Jessie.

  Dr.Port: So why did Sarge leave?

  Betty: Should we leave?

  Slink: I thought we were goin' to the attic.

  Dinosaur: I hate all this uncertainty!

  Woody: Whoa, whoa,whoa,whoa. Hold on now. Wait a minute. Quite! On one's getting thrown, okay? We're all still here. I mean, yeah,we're lost friends along the way. Wheezy and Etch and…

  Dinosaur: Bo Peep?

  Woody: yeah,even Bo. All good toys who've gone on to new owners. But through every yard sale, every spring cleaning, Andy held on to us. He must care about us, or we wouldn't be here. You wait. Andy's gonna take us in the attic. It'll be safe and warm…

  Buzz: And we'll all be together.

  Woody: Exactly! There's games up there, and books,and…

  Buzz: The racecar track!

  Woody: The racecar track. Thank you!

  Slink: And the old TV.

  Woody: There you go, the old TV. And those guys from the Christmas decorations box. They're fun,right?

  All: Yeah!

  Woody: And someday,if we're lucky,Andy may have kids of his own.

  Dinosaur: And he'll play with us then, right?

  Woody: We'll always be there for him.

  Buzz: Come on,guys. Let's get our parts together, get ready, and go on a high note.

  Betty: I'd better find my other eye.

  Bart: Where'd you leave it this time?

  Betty: Someplace dark. And dusty.

  Dr. Port: Come on. Let's see how much we're going for on eBay.

  Woody: Don't worry. Andy's gonna take care of us. I guarantee it.


  1. Hold up 坚持住,挺住,稳住的意思。影片中当玩具们听说他们要被主人Andy抛弃,像垃圾一样扔掉时,大家个个恐慌不安,很烦躁。这时警官Woody站出来,为了安慰大家并消除不良影响,就召集大家开会,并告诉大家都先不要慌,让大家稳住。而Hold on, 是等一等,过会儿,别持断等意思。注意下文哦,

  2. Not again. 字面上的意思是不要重复。面根据上下文来看,影片中Woody为了让大家安心呆在家里,不要个个都有主意想逃离或恐慌过日子,因此就召集大家开会。可是因为Woody是主人Andy最信任的警官吧,他可能也是玩具中的老大,中心人物,经常给大家开会吧。因此这里就出来一个not again.翻译为:不会吧,又要开会。这也是我们学生或打工族最烦的事吧,哈哈。

  3. That was our last shot. 影片中玩具的主人Andy已经17岁了,长大成人了,也准备上大学了。因此他可能不再需要玩具了。而忠实的Woody难怪主人偏爱,他也确实一直在支持他的主人,不管主人要准备如何处置他们。Woody动员大伙,说我们的主要工作不是玩游戏,而是为了主人Andy. 最重要的是大家能在一起不分开。Shot是射击,投篮,开枪等意思,而在这里要翻译成:这是我们最后的机会了。要意义出来才更符合原文要表达的意思。

  4. We're done. 前面影片中关于Done这个单词我们已经说过几次了,这里就不再说了。这里的意思为:我们要完蛋了。

  5. Let's see how much we're going for on eBay. 影片中玩具们知道自己逃不过被放阁楼或是扔掉或是捐赠或是卖掉这几个悲惨命运时,他们有人也开始自己的打算了,在里面选择一个自己觉得会好一些的方式来跟主人Andy做分别方式。eBay.是全球最大的网上交易网络之一,像知名的当当网,亚马逊网,还有现在的拍拍,淘宝等是一样的。这句话应该翻译成:我来看看我们在eBay网上面出售能值多少钱?

  6. I guarantee it,这句话的意思是:我向大家保证。影片中Woody一再做大家的思想工作,告诉大家不会被主人像垃圾一样丢掉的。说主要其实是关心大家的,也一定会给大家一个好的交代的。他要向大家保证,希望大家对主人在信心。其实说这话的同时,Woody自己也没主意,他也不知道主人会怎么处理他们。但他能站出来,安慰大家,同时也安慰自己。


