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军训感想(英文版)There is no end in the world—My feeling of military trainingDuring 14 days’ military training, I experienced an incredible tiredness and I would never forget it.When I reached Da Xing Military Base,at first I was exciting,but after I finished 10 minutes’ Soldier Carriage, I was disappointed. What I only felt was tiredness.Like this, it lasted 14 days.But there were also some meaningful things. For example, two weeks had only two bathes and every 5 boys used only 1faucet(水龙头). Each of us had only 5 minutes to bath. I was crazy but it teached me frugal(俭朴)!Military instructor teached us Soldier’s body boxing(军体拳), I realized the huge energy of unity,900 students included me constituted a phalanx whose vehemence was very grand. We had a task of walking 20 kilometres during military training, though it was difficult, nearly all of us held on and finished it gloriously!We gained will(意志)and perseverance(毅力)! Tiredness gave us many,many experiences, it was growth’s catalyst(催化剂).I felt tired and military training was serious! But I knew who I was,what I wanted to do and what I needed to do though military training.I really need to write an end, or I would chatter without stopping. Bye, 14 days’ military training, and I will recapture you!

军训的感想 英文版的~

中文:军训感悟我的军训生活结束了 也许这辈子不会有第三次了 我懂也明白 我是会记住我们教官一辈子的 他是个很可爱的人 他走的时候没留下一句话 她们都哭了很“伤心” 不知道的以为他们很伤心 我不伤心 我知道每个人都是彼此生命中的过客 也许停留的时间很长也许很短 但是留在我们心中的却是永恒 我一向悲观 走就走吧走了也好就如同水过无痕一样 让一切随风逝去英文:Military sentiment My life ended the military training Perhaps in this life will not be the third time I also understand that I understand is that we will remember for a lifetime instructor He is a very lovely people He did not take the time to leave a word They cried for a sad They do not know if that"s very sad I am not sad I know everyone in the lives of each passenger Perhaps stay for a long period of time may be short But to stay in our hearts is the eternal I have always been pessimistic Zou Jiuzou right or left as the water had the same Seamless Let all gone with the wind

军训感言英语作文80个单词 要有中文

The Ten Days’ Military Training The day we were looking forward to came at last----a ten days’ military training began. During the training, each of us did his part in earnest. We drilled more than six hours a day, though it was very hot at the time. In the blazing sun, we always tried to measure up to the high standards which were demanded . Sweat streamed down and we wouldn"t wipe it off. Only three days later our faces were tanned. We felt happy and proud of it . Our platoon officer were two young PLA man, about twenty years old. They were very strict with us during the training and very kind to us afterwards. By talking with them, we came to know not only more information about army life, but also about military affairs. The military training gave us good discipline. It brought us great happiness, too. We"ll never forget it. Our Battalian 3 Company 12 Time goes fast! We have spent the first year of our university. The new term is coming. But what we all have to face is the military training that is said to be cruel. We students from the Department of Computer Science and Technology form the battalion 3 company

【第12句】:We have 2 general terms for the military training whose family names are respectively Chen and Han. And we have 107 students in our battalion. The ten days’ training is cruel. And almost all of us have been turned to be the persons who are coming from the Africa. Of course, we are all worn out at the same time. But what we all insist on is that we can’t retreat with little wound. So the amount of the students in our company who escape from the traning field is the smallest. When we show respect to the leaders by raising our hands with the goose step, we all feel very honourous. We’ll all learn the experience by heart, for it is certainly treasure for us!

需要一一篇军训感言作文100字 用英文的 我的英语超烂谢谢啦




It is my great honor to receive military training after entering the university. During this period, I attained lots of improvement and made a lot of friends.The military training cultivate my spirit and persistence. It will be an unforgettable experience for me for all my life time.


This is the first time I of military training, military training makes me unforgettable.Remember that in the military, I think the military training is a not only bitter and boring. Can not think of is, the military is actually a very meaningful thing. It taught us no more knowledge, so I in military training to grow a lot of.On the morning of August 15th, we are exciting and the military training of curiosity and expectation arrived at Guan"s training base. Here, we met with 7 days of our common military trainingChen Jiao tube.In these 7 days, we know what is to obey orders, obey the command, training hard, the difficulties, Challenges self and so on.Military training the first day we learn to pull junzi, before this, forno military training before me, that the pull army posture is a very simple thing, I think: is not attention, affirmation is verysimple! However, when I really feel the power of pulling the army posture, I could not help heart a shock.Pull the army posture must stand at attention, upright, eyesstraight ahead, and then the index finger thumb affixed to thesecond quarter, both hands must be tightly buckled on his trousers, to close in seams of a trouser leg, legs must bestraight, not curved trend.In fact, only these are nothing, it is important to keep thisposture standing for a long time, even if the itch what parts of the body or a worm like creatures fly also unable to movearound.Pull the army posture is really very exercise person, it taught uswhat is perseverance, what is insisted, but told us troops have iron discipline, not because of their actions and affect the overall.Here, I thought of those soldiers, they are the National Guard, it is a symbol of courage, selfless. How many holidays they had tosilently in the distant place to miss their loved ones, lonely in the night sky under the guard on duty. I can not help but have areverence for them.After army posture, we also study the start walking and goose step. Among them, what impressed me most is the goose step.When we marched in orderly pace, listen to the foot landing neat flap sound, I feel the collective unity. Because only unity canmake our hearts together, can we make so neat goose. When we goose stepping through the chairman"s podium, I am really excited, but I also felt as the pride of the chinese.In addition, I also learned the female self-defense, through this study, I became a strong person from a delicate girlsmetamorphosis. When we shouted slogans to play beautifulpunch, really have the momentum, the momentum is enough to make everyone excited.Military life in addition to the training, and the time for eating and sleeping, no military training before people may laugh: eat and sleep to say anything? But I have to say, in daily life here had acompletely different. Listen to the command to get up every morning, never late. Calling number before dinner, night timelights etc.. Here, everything to the militarization of the management, not the slightest careless.Here, although conditions are difficult, but also taught us a lot: hardship on state is not to endure, but bitter as if it were malt sugar.Although the military training only 7 days, but the 7 day is enough to make us understand the essence of life. I"ll neverforget me I learned that the first military training. I believe, in the future, I will cherish the resources, strict demands on themselves, and strive to be an outstanding high school students这是我的第一次军训,这次军训使我永生难忘。
































Military TrainingIn our country, when we go to middle school, we must attend to the military training. Most students are afraid of it, because the training often happens in hot summer. In summer days, the weather is too hot to stand. But students have to stay outside all the day. In addition, the training is very hard. Students have to learn to be a solder. They have to obey many rules that they don’t have to in daily life. And the trainer is very strict to students. They do like our teachers who care us patiently. However, military training is a good way to train students’ strong will power. It’s useful to the life of students. Therefore, it’s necessary to student.作文翻译:军训在我国,当我们去上初中的时候,我们必须参加军训。























