如果你的论文在国际会议上发表,你又做 oral presentation, 那么如何回答问题也是需要技巧的。一会高质量的会议还是有些牛人云集的,口头报告既可以让别人有机会认识你,探讨一些学术问题,也有利于认识牛人呀:)
所以在这整理了如何完美的完成question time,希望对大家有帮助:)
question time
※welcome the question
※listen carefully to the question---don’t interrupt
※take time to think before you answer
※check you have understood the question---rephrase or clarify if necessary
※reply positively---be brief and clear
※accept criticism positively
※after your answer, check that the questioner is satisfied
如果遇到了以下的情形,看看如何来handling it
d of asking a question, the person strongly, rather angrily, disagrees with your point of view.―――― 对于这种情况你就先礼貌地听他讲完,然后重述一下你的观点,如果有必要,重述时加上点佐证。
如果这人还是不依不扰,you can say, “well, we’ll have to agree to disagree on this point,” or “ unfortunately, there’s no time to go into this more deeply right now.”
d of asking a question, the person states his or her own viewpoints that agree with can say, “ yes, that fits in exactly with what i was saying”. person states positively that some information you have given is inaccurate, but you are absolutely sure that you are correct.这里,你可以提供你的information source or provide additional support for your you can say, “ i believe that my information is correct, but i will certainly recheck my facts.”
4.如果有人直接提出你的一些information is inaccurate, 而你又不能自己的information was correct or not.―――do not feel threatened or regard this as an can say, “ i appreciate your bringing this to my attention.i’ll have to recheck my sources to see what is correct.”
5.如果有人问的问题 is so basic, 你发现他 did not understand any of your can say, “ well, i don’t think we have time to discuss that point right now, but i’ll be happy to talk with you about it later.”
person asks a question that will require a very long, complicated, or technical answer.不要把时间都用在解释一个问题。
you can say, “that’s an interesting question, but it would take much too long to answer it s we can discuss it later.”
you can say, “that’s an interesting question, but my presentation doesn’t really deal with that issue,” or “ i’m afraid i don’t see how that question applies to what i’ve said.”
you can say, “i’m very pleased by your interest, but perhaps we should give others a chance to ask a few questions.i hope we can talk in more detail later.”
answering questions
☆☆delaying answering/ playing for time
well, let me see……
let me think for a , yes, ……
i’m glad you asked that ’ve raised an important point here.☆☆avoiding answering
that’s a good question but, unfortunately, it’s beyond the scope of this , i could perhaps point you in the direction of some useful websites that might help you.i’m afraid i’m not really in a position to answer that.i’m afraid i don’t have the figures on s i could them to you later.☆☆adding information
let me add,……
in addition, ……
☆☆referring back
as i said before,……
as i mentioned before,……
☆☆clarifying/ restating
what i was trying to say was……
i mean that……
to point it another way……
in other words……
☆☆clarifying the meaning of a question
so what you’re asking is ……
if i understand the question correctly, you would like to know…… when you say……, do you mean……
☆☆checking the questioner is satisfied
does that answer your question?
is that ok?
为什么要求您发言?他们对您的期望是什么? 场地在哪里?尽您所能找到场地的位置和会务人员。
我经常用日语对自己说,“dakara nani?”或“sore de„?”,大致意思是“那重要吗?”或“您的观点是„?”当我准备资料时,我经常对自己说这句话。当您准备演示稿的内容时,要始终站在听众的角度问自己:“那重要吗?”在整个准备过程中,一定要问自己这些尖锐的问题。例如,您的观点重要吗?这也许很酷,但是重要吗?还是不重要?是的,您应该始终站在听众的角度,不住地质疑演讲内容是否重要,这些内容如何支持演讲人的观点。“那重要吗?”您可能对自己说。“那重要吗?”——总是问自己这个非常重要而简单的问题。如果您实在不能回答这个问题,那么就将这些内容删除掉吧。
8.您能通过“电梯测试”吗? 请用电梯测试来检查下您演讲的清晰度。这个练习迫使您在30-40秒内“推销”您的演讲。想象下这个场景:您在一家世界领先的制造企业工作,你被要求向产品营销负责人汇报您的新想法。时间安排和预算都很紧张,如果您要想获得执行小组的肯定,该汇报就是一个极为重要的机会。当您到达副总办公室外面,走到管理人员桌边时,她穿着大衣,拎着手提包突然走出来,“„对不起,有些急事,让我们到大厅去,边走边说„”,想象一下这样的场景。您能在搭电梯或去往停车场的途中成功推销您的想法吗?是的,这是个假想场景,但还是有可能发生的。而且,非常有可能发生的是,若您被临时要求缩短演讲时间,比如从20分钟减少到10分钟(或者从1个小时减少到30分钟),您能做到吗?是的,您可能从来不会遇到,但练习在这种情况下怎么做,可以帮助您修改演讲内容,使之更简洁、更清晰。
《我看到您赤裸》的作者ron hoff提醒我们,您的演讲在计划阶段就应该能通过大卫·贝拉斯科测试。电影制片人大卫·贝拉斯科认为,他每部成功电影的核心思想都能够简化成一句话,可以写在名片背面。试试看。您能凝练演示稿的主要内容,并将其写在名片上吗?如果您做不到,那么您就需要再次思考,牢记演讲内容。这也是您启动powerpoint(keynote)软件之前需要做的事情。
the draft of academic presentation
i am so honored to be with you to communicate academic questions and tile of my academic presentation is “the preparation and catalytic performance of porous silica nanotube functioned with heteroatoms”
i shall only take ten minutes of your time.i will talk about the topic on the preparation of porous materials.p2
first of all, i wanna introduce myself.i come from nanjing university of technology, nanjing city, china.p3
the content is listed as follows.p4
all our researches are conducted by the academic lly speaking, we are committed to porous order to explore high-performance functionalized materials for pilot experiments and scale-up production;we tune the structure, such as composition and morphology step by step and optimize them ’s more, the possible synthesis mechanisms are also , the presentation is based on the right-hand branch.p5
it is known that mesoporous silica have excellent characters as the catalyst carrier, such as……..but due to lack of active sites, we have to introduce organic or inorganic species as active the catalytic performance need to be further improved.p6
as we know, the three factors including activity, scale and diffusion factor play decisive role in the catalysis, affecting the yield, selectivity, stability our presentation, we mainly focus on the influence of scale factor on the catalysis.p7
due to lack of active sites for mesoporous silica, two main methods(surface loading, modified framework)are widely reported, by which various organic or inorganic active sites can be immobilized on the surface or incorporated into the framework of mesopoous silica.p8
though various morphologies of mesoporos silica were widely synthesized, the synthesis of the mesoporos silica, with three simultaneous characteristics including doped metal, mesoporous structure and specific morphology, is always a challenge, which is rarely other words, for our case exploring a proper condition, at which the silicon and metal sources can simultaneously hydrolyze, can ensure a desired material.p9
next, let’s look at the synthetic y,….then, ….after that, ….at last, we obtained the
in this work, by changing the synthesis conditions, such as …, and so on, the pure mesoporous silica with different morphologies were synthesized, including nanosphere, nanorod, helix, capsule and will focus on the preparation and catalytic application of mesoporous silica with nanotube morphology.p11
the sem images of samples: a1, a2, a3 are shown in the can be seen that sample a1 is nanowire-like with length of about 2μm and diameter of about the amount of...is 0.04 g, the morphology of sample a2 became to be short and thick rods and the size is about 1μm in length and 400nm in diameter, further increasing the amount of..., the sample a3 and a4 turned to be spherical also can be seen that the diameters of samples a3 and a4 are substantially the same about r, the spherical morphology of a4 is more regular than that of xrd patterns showed four reflection peaks attributed to(100),(110),(200)and(210), respectively, due to the hexagonal sructure.p12
then, we keep the same amount of..., increasing the amount of....we found that the length increased xrd patterns also showed the hexagonal sructure of samples b1, b2, b3, b4.p13
moreover, an additional proof of the hexagonal symmetry structure is given by tem and the ft n2 adsorption-desorption isotherms of the samples b1, b2, b3, b4 exhibit a typical type-iv ing to the table of structural parameters, we can find that the specific surface area and total pore volume increase gradually, the thickness of wall decrease and there is no obvious change in diameter.p14
furthermore, the possible synthesis mechanism of the mesoporous silica nanotube in dual templates system was suggest that due to electrostatic repulsion between positively charged ammonium ions from hydrated ammonia molecules and hydrophilic groups of..., especially in ammonia(nh3, 25wt.%)solution, the high concentrated ammonium ions provide a crowded and repulsive space to prevent the conjunction of...molecules, leading to the formation of the rod-like micelles as template to form pore structure instead of sphere-like role of co-template...is suggested to tune the length of rod-like micelles by arranging itself along the axis of channel with peo and ppo part immersed in the hydrophilic and the hydrophobic group of cta+ a result, the mesoporous nanotube with different length will be r, the non-polar...micelles are not affected by positively charged the amount of co-template increased further, the non-polar...micelles tend to control the morphology of micelles which are sequentially from nanotube, short rod to sphere-like my be the reason that the non-polar...micelles would provide stronger attractive force than the electrostatic repulsion derived from the peo block, ammonium ions and head group of..., respectively.p15
in order to investigate the influence of the morphology and structure of mesoporous silica on catalytic
performance, the samples with copper incorporated were synthesized.p16
the figure shows the sem and tem images of samples a1, a2, a3, from which we can see they represent incremental length in the range of about 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5μm, and insignificant change in diameter around xrd patterns, there are also four reflection peaks for the samples with copper incorprated, respectively, which indicates the incorporation of the inorganic copper salt has no obvious effect on the hexagonal sructure and the ordered degree of pore er, the trends in length and the diameter of nanotube are illustrated.p17
the n2 adsorption-desorption isotherms of the samples a1, a2, a3 exhibit a typical type-iv isotherm according to the iupac classification and no hysteresis loop at the relative pressure range of 0.2≤p/p0≤0.4, implying the samples not only have ordered mesoporous structure but also the uniform pore er, the pore diameters did not change significantly at different weight ratio of.../....the most probable pore sizes of samples a1, a2, a3 are determined to be 2.71, 2.50, 2.44 nm, structural parameters are listed in following table.p18
this table summarized the catalytic activity of copper-modified porous silica nanotube in the direct hydroxylation of benzene with h2o2 as catalysts showed high catalytic activity, and direct proportional relationship between the benzene conversion and the length of the silica ering the similar copper content determined by icp, the variations of catalytic activities were probably caused by different retention time of reagent in the nanotube with different lengths.p19
it is summary and future research
this part of research can be summed up from the following three ogy control,catalytic activity and future research
看this slide.p20