
耶鲁大学留学申请条件 耶鲁大学留学条件

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耶鲁大学留学申请条件 耶鲁大学留学条件篇一













耶鲁大学留学申请条件 耶鲁大学留学条件篇二


dates and deadlines

please note that all deadlines are subject to change at any time.

january-march 2023

applications for fall 2023 reviewed by departments and programs.

february-march 2023

official admissions decisions for fall 2023 communicated to applicants.

april 15, 2023

deadline for applicant responses to most offers of admission for fall 2023.

summer-fall 2023

applicants should take respective gre, gre subject, toefl or ielts and gmatexams no later than november in order to guarantee that official scores reach the graduate school by the application deadline for the department to which you are applying.

july 1, 2023

deadline for spanision of special registration application for special students (ss) for fall semester 2023.

august 15, 2023

application becomes available online(link is external) for fall 2023 admission to all degree programs of the graduate school and for admission to the sackler/nsfresearch experiences for undergraduates (reu) program.

november 1, 2023

deadline for spanision of special registration application for special students (ss) for spring semester 2023.

december 1, 2023

deadline for african american studies (combined with psychology), biological and biomedical sciences (bbs), psychology and philosophy (combined with psychology).

december 15, 2023

deadline for african american studies (combined with history or political science), astronomy, chemistry, ecology and evolutionary biology, economics, history, law, linguistics, political science, public health and renaissance studies(combined with history).

january 2, 2023

deadline for all other departments*.

february 1, 2023

deadline for the sackler/nsf research experiences for undergraduates (reu) program.

*note: includes african american studies (not combined with history, political science and psychology), philosophy (not combined with psychology), and renaissance studies (not combined with history or political science).

耶鲁大学留学申请条件 耶鲁大学留学条件篇三

- 来自教师或者辅导员的推荐信


- 递交所需考试成绩





decision notification

admissions decisions for single-choice early action candidates will be available online in mid-december. decisions for regular decision candidates will be posted online by april 1. both early action and regular decision applicants have until may 1 to accept an offer of admission.

耶鲁大学留学申请条件 耶鲁大学留学条件篇四

- 单一选择提前申请:11月1日

- 搭桥全国大学生比赛:11月1日

- 常规申请:1月2日


deadlines for additional required documents and required testing

recommendations from teachers and counselors

we encourage teachers and counselors to submit the required forms to us by the postmark deadlines above whenever possible. we understand that it may not be possible in some cases for teachers and counselors to meet these deadlines, and we will make reasonable allowances. this will not negatively impact your chance of admission.

submitting required testing

please review the information on the standardized testing page regarding deadlines and policies for submitting official scores. we will begin our evaluation process with self-reported or official scores from earlier test dates, but please report any official test results to us as soon as possible.

provided that your official scores reach us by the first week of december for early action or by early march for regular decision, they will arrive in time for consideration.

recommended submission dates for applications for financial aid:

there is no strict deadline to apply for aid, but we strongly recommend submitting these documents by november 11 for single-choice early action, or march 15 for regular decision. this will help ensure that, if admitted, you will receive a financial aid award letter at the same time as your offer of admission. view a list of required financial aid forms.



